Map and Directions for Heritage Ranch

From California Hwy 46 (CA-46): Continue to follow CA-46 W. CA-46 W becomes G-14. At 8.4 miles, turn RIGHT onto G-14 / Nacmiento Lake Drive. At 4.5 miles, turn LEFT onto Gateway Drive.
From San Luis Obispo, US-101 (North): Continue on US-101 N. Exit at Spring Street. Turn LEFT onto G-14 / 24th Street. At 8.4 miles, turn RIGHT on G-14 / Nacimiento Lake Drive. At 4.5 miles, turn LEFT onto Gateway Drive.
From King City US-101 (South): Continue on US-101 S. Exit at Jolon Road. Turn RIGHT onto G-18 / Jolon Road. Turn LEFT onto G-19 / Nacimiento Lake Drive. At 7.0 miles, turn LEFT onto G-19 / Nacimiento Lake Drive. At 6.6 miles turn RIGHT onto Gateway Drive.
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